Updating WP-Members WordPress Plugin for Twitter Bootstrap

At Inforest Communications, we work a lot with WordPress as a Content Management System (CMS), and also tend to use the Twitter Bootstrap framework as a starting point for our HTML/CSS layouts.  Recently we completed a project using the WP-Members plugin in order to provide a basic, password-protected area of a website.  As is the case …

SuperCali 1.0.8 Released

After a long hiatus, i have released an update to the SuperCali PHP Event Calendar.  Version 1.0.8 is a maintenance release to fix errors from depreciated ereg and ereg_replace functions, as well as fix a security issue with the show_event.php page. I realized that SuperCali had unfortunately turned into “abandonware,” as I kept putting the …

Content Marketing – Let’s get to the good stuff!

Content Marketing is the writing and producing content (blog posts, videos, info-graphics, etc.) as a means to gather eyeballs to a website or other marketing channels. It’s a technique that can have an increasingly positive impact on a business over time, as content can be shared through social media and picked up by search engines. …

Three things I learned at DrupalCamp NJ

Tonight, I’m heading to the Central NJ Drupal Meetup where the organizers have posed the question of “Three things I learned at DrupalCamp NJ” to be answered in a series of five minute lightning talks.  OK, I’m game to participate, here are three things that I have been thinking about… 1) Ray Saltini of Blink …

Getting stoked for DrupalCamp NJ

Leon Rainbow and I will be attending DrupalCamp NJ this Saturday at Princeton University.  I think this is the fourth iteration of the event, and I know we’ve attended at least the last three camps.  For me, it is a good chance to get out and see new perspectives on using Drupal and get an …

Internet Marketing Roundup – Recovering from bad SEO

Just a couple items this week: Yahoo has seen it’s share of search traffic increase to 10.4% in December, a two point increase from November, due to adoption by Firefox Web browser as it’s default search engine.  I bet we’ll see this drop as people switch back to Google. Moz has a lengthy case study …

Internet Marketing Roundup – Goodbye Yahoo Directory

The Yahoo Directory has closed.  I remember working hard to get Inforest Communications into the local subset of the directory, before the advent of Google.  Hard to believe that for a time they were selling listings at $299 a year! Otherwise there are a lot of “10 best articles of 2014” out there from various …