Boost Your Website Performance and Speed: Essential Tools and Techniques

In today’s digital age, website performance and speed are crucial for user experience, search engine ranking, and overall success. A slow-loading website can frustrate users, leading to higher bounce rates and lower conversions. On the other hand, a fast and efficient website can enhance user satisfaction, boost SEO rankings, and increase engagement. Here, we’ll explore …

The Evolution of Design: Harnessing the Power of AI Design Tools

In the rapidly evolving landscape of design, artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative force, reshaping the way designers create and innovate. From automating tedious tasks to generating complex visuals with just a few clicks, AI design tools are empowering designers to push the boundaries of creativity and efficiency. In this blog post, we’ll …

The Benefits of Responsive Web Design: Why It Matters in 2024

Since the advent of the World Wide Web, the way we browse the internet has dramatically changed. Gone are the days when we only accessed websites from our desktop computers. Now, with smartphones and tablets in almost every hand, the need for websites to be accessible and user-friendly on all devices is more crucial than …

Working with Custom Post Fields in Custom Gutenberg Blocks.

Integrating Custom Post Fields with Gutenberg Blocks offers WordPress users a powerful method for extending the functionality and customization of their content creation process. Custom post fields, also known as post meta, provide a means to store additional data associated with posts or pages, while Gutenberg Blocks revolutionize content creation by introducing modular components. This …

The Unchanged Landscape of HTML Email Templates: A Decade Later

The Persistence of Tables in Email In the realm of web development, tables have largely fallen out of favor for layout purposes, replaced by more semantic and flexible techniques such as CSS Grid and Flexbox. However, in the world of HTML email templates, tables remain king. This is because tables offer a reliable way to …

Review of New Jerseys Top 10 Municipalities Websites

New Jersey is home to some of the largest and most diverse municipalities in the United States. From the bustling metropolis of Newark, to the picturesque beach towns on its coastline, New Jersey offers something for everyone. This article gives our ranking of the of the websites of the 10 largest municipalities in New Jersey. …

Drupal Camp NJ 2023

Just as a primer to those that are new to web design Drupal is a popular framework platform that is used by many web developers and designers. Drupal is used behind the scenes to develop many large scale sites including Major League Soccer (MLS), Pinterest For Business and is the platform of choice at Princeton …

How to make layered banners with multiple images and gradients

We wanted to create a banner that could give a layered effect, similar to a Photoshop compilation. Why would we take this approach you ask? The main reason is so that we could change the images on the website dynamically (another post), have the headings as text, and have the banner be responsive. In the …

Updating to Drupal 9 from Drupal 8

Drupal 8 is now end of life, and if you haven’t already upgraded your site to Drupal 9, now is the time to do so! We’ve finished the process with most of the sites we manage, and here are some notes on how to prepare and go about the upgrade. Check to see that your …