Our Biggest Take Away From DrupalCampNJ 2020

DrupalCamp New Jersey is an annual, volunteer organized, three-day camp, held since 2012. Over the past several years, the camp and local community have evolved greatly due to the impact of the camp and related events throughout the year. The organizers aim for this to be one of the best camps and communities in the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast regions of the United States.

5 Easy Website Resolutions For 2020

Just like your health, your website and business require work in order to stay fit and healthy. So, let’s put in a little bit of work so you can reap the benefits of having a healthy website into the new year.

How To Use The Gutenberg Editor

With the new Gutenberg Editor, WordPress has made major changes to the way that users use and update content. Rather than add everything into a body field, users add “blocks” – which are pieces of content that make up the complete web page.

INFOREST’s End of the Year Marketing Checklist

Reach Out and Thank Clients Around the holidays especially Thanksgiving is a great time to send cards to existing clients thanking them for their business. You can also send out an email blast possibly with a coupon or special offer. Review and Set Web Marketing Goals What are your marketing goals for the next year? …

Gutenberg Responsive Video Embed Fix

After looking at our search console report we realized that some of our videos were not responsive and were larger than the content area on mobile. We looked into it and realized that when we converted from the old editor to gutenberg blocks that the embed code wasn’t properly converted to the youtube embed Here …

Creating a Responsive, Left-Side Navigation Menu with Bootstrap 4

Not all websites need to look the same! With a few tweaks, we can use a common Web design framework for a layout that breaks away from the typical. Inforest Communications is in the process of building completed a website design that incorporates a left-side navigation menu in desktop browsers while maintaining a top down …