Coursey Enterprises

Coursey Enterprises is a medical equipment and supplies company that specializes in providing colleges with practice kits for their nursing students. After initially taking over management of Coursey’s previous website, Inforest Communications created a new, mobile-friendly, website on the Drupal 8 framework.

Drupal Commerce is utilized to manage an online catalog and shopping cart to assemble items for quotes.  The Coursey Enterprises website also differentiates nursing kit and medical equipment line items, providing separate shopping carts and different order fields depending on the nature of the quote.  However, both “stores” support a common set of products and categories, avoiding unnecessary duplication of content.

Inforest Communications wrote several custom Drupal modules for the website, which include code for importing catalog data, automatically generating catalog navigation based on product categories and differentiating between medical supply and nursing kit items.  The result is a website that is easier to manage and easier to use by customers; speeding the quote process and increasing overall sales.