How to Create an Effective Capability Statement: A Comprehensive Guide

In the competitive business landscape, a capability statement is a powerful tool for showcasing your company’s strengths, competencies, and unique value propositions. Whether you’re targeting government contracts, seeking new clients, or establishing partnerships, a well-crafted capability statement can make all the difference. Here’s how to create a compelling capability statement that stands out.

What is a Capability Statement?

A capability statement is a concise, one-page document that highlights your company’s core competencies, achievements, and qualifications. It serves as a marketing tool that provides potential clients and partners with a snapshot of your business’s capabilities and the benefits you bring to the table.

Key Elements of a Capability Statement

Company Overview:

Begin with a brief introduction to your company. Include your business name, years of operation, and a succinct description of what you do. This section should set the stage for why your company is the right choice.


“Inforest Communications is a premier web design and internet marketing agency with over 25 years of experience. We specialize in crafting bespoke digital solutions that drive measurable results.”

Core Competencies:

 Highlight your primary services and areas of expertise. Use bullet points to ensure clarity and readability. This section should succinctly convey what your company does best.


  • Custom Web Design and Development
  • Comprehensive Digital Marketing Strategies
  • E-commerce Solutions
  • Branding and Graphic Design
  • Consulting and Strategy


Explain what sets your company apart from competitors. Focus on your unique selling points, such as specialized expertise, innovative approaches, or exceptional customer service.


  • Over twenty-five decades of industry expertise
  • Client-centric approach ensuring tailored solutions
  • Commitment to staying ahead of industry trends
  • Proven track record of delivering measurable outcomes
  • Comprehensive end-to-end digital services

Past Performance:

  Provide examples of successful projects or notable achievements. Include metrics and specific outcomes to demonstrate your effectiveness.


  • Redesigned and optimized a major e-commerce site, resulting in a 50% sales increase within six months
  • Implemented an SEO strategy achieving a 200% increase in organic traffic for a client
  • Developed a responsive website for a healthcare provider, improving patient engagement

Contact Information:

Ensure your contact details are easy to find. Include your company’s address, phone number, email, and website. Make it simple for potential clients to reach out to you.


Inforest Communications
[City, State, Zip Code]

Phone: [Phone Number]
Email: [Email Address]
Website: [Website URL]

Certifications and NAICS Codes:

   If applicable, list any relevant certifications and NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) codes. These details can be particularly important for government contracting.


   – Certified Google Partner

   – HubSpot Certified Agency Partner

   – NAICS Codes: 541511 (Custom Computer Programming Services), 541512 (Computer Systems Design Services), 541613 (Marketing Consulting Services)

Tips for Crafting an Impactful Capability Statement

Be Concise:

Keep your capability statement to one page. Busy decision-makers appreciate brevity.

Use Clear and Professional Language:

Avoid jargon and overly complex language. Your statement should be easily understood by anyone who reads it.

Focus on Benefits:

Highlight the benefits your company provides, not just the features of your services.

Tailor Your Statement:

Customize your capability statement for different audiences. Tailor the content to address the specific needs and interests of the recipient.

Include Visual Elements:

A well-designed document with your company logo and branding can enhance readability and professionalism.

Example of our Capability Statement

A well-crafted capability statement is a critical asset in your business development toolkit. It effectively communicates your company’s strengths and unique value propositions, making it easier to attract new clients and secure lucrative contracts. By following these guidelines, you can create a compelling capability statement that showcases your business’s capabilities and sets you apart in the marketplace. Start crafting your capability statement today and watch your business opportunities grow.