Inforest Communications Internet Marketing Program is designed to improve the reach of our client through online channels, while maximizing the return of investment (ROI) of time and money spent in these efforts.

In addition to websites, which we consider an anchor in an overall Internet marketing strategy, Inforest provides search engine optimization(SEO); paid search advertising (PPC); social media advertising; content marketing and copy writing; opt-in email marketing; and traffic and conversion analysis.

These activities are governed by a custom Internet marketing program strategy which are developed to the specific need of our clients and informed and improved by ongoing assessment and reporting.

Our Web Marketing Services Include

Traffic and Conversion Analysis

The foundation of an Internet marketing program is the ability to measure results.

Inforest utilizes tools such as Google Data Studio, Google Search Console and other tools to discover how websites, emails and other online channels perform, especially when it comes to sales and other “conversions,” including contact requests, newsletter signups and other actions. If we are able to quantify traffic and assign a value to conversions, we can the calculate a return on investment for our marketing.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the improvement of traffic to websites from originating from search engines, primarily Google, Bing and Yahoo, that provide links to websites based on a the query of the visitor. The unpaid “organic” listings are ranked in a particular order based on the calculated relevance of the underlying websites. Search engines are usually the primary avenue of incoming visitors to a website.

Paid Search (PPC)

Paid Search and Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising is utilized by search engines and publishing sites to show or ads or listings based on search queries. Often these ads are shown on the same pages as the regular, organic search results. Paid search can be a good option for websites to generate immediate traffic for search terms that the site is currently not performing, or for placement on industry websites that are restricted to paid listings.

An important part of paid advertising is the use of “landing pages,” which are the web pages linked to by the paid ad or listing. They are designed to match the wording and pitch of the ad and convince the visitor to take the next step with the website, whether it be to purchase a product, contact the company, signup of a newsletter, etc.

Social Media Advertising

Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and other social media platforms provide opportunities for targeted advertising based on demographics and interests of your desired audience, along with the capability to reach visitors through these sites after they have visited your website.

Content Marketing

Content Marketing is the development of editorial copy and other media for a targeted audience. A good example of content marketing is a blog; an ongoing series of short articles on a given set of topics. Blogs are a great way of improving performance with search engines because they help cast a wider net for the search terms included in the post. Content marketing can also include white papers, videos, how-to articles, etc., and can be posted on third-party websites and social media.

Opt-in Email Marketing

Email is one of the oldest Internet marketing channels, and is often a means of content marketing. Email, however, has it’s own set of best practices and technical concerns such to consider it a separate marketing category. Successful email campaigns call for understanding how to overcome being perceived as “spam,” or “junk mail,” and having the infrastructure to track engagement. Email marketing is also set apart from other online channels in that the organization initiates the outreach to their audience and is a great way for companies to keep in touch with their customers.

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